Smartproxy - Best Value Proxy Service Provider 2024
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Proxy Server Features

Explore the latest proxy technology with Smartproxy's proxy server advanced features! Collect real-time data with our cutting-edge solutions without facing IP bans.

99.99% uptime
User-friendly dashboard
Advanced integration guides
65M+ IP pool
195+ locations
Free tools
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14-day money-back option

Cutting-edge proxy features

Power up your projects with unparalleled speed, authenticity, and uptime.


SOCKS5 proxies

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Solutions for every use case

Breeze through IP bans or CAPTCHAs and complete your tasks with ease.



Create a unique account for each of your brands, keep your personal and professional profiles separate, and run automation tools without a single restriction.

Web data collection

Web data collection

Eliminate the need to build your own scraping solution and save time collecting real-time data by pairing our scraping solutions and high quality proxies.



Leverage targeted advertising, prevent fraud by identifying bot traffic, save your marketing budget, and test affiliate marketing links by leveraging a 65M+ IP pool.



Conduct competitor research, monitor SERP, access localized content, and grow your brand’s organic presence on all major search engines.

Global proxy location coverage at your fingertips

Break free from geo-restrictions by leveraging our wide proxy pool. From American, European, African, Australian, or Asian IPs, virtually travel around the globe.

Fast access to any proxy target

