SERP Scraper API
Get real-time search engine data with our SERP scraper API. Seamlessly extract structured results in JSON or HTML with geo-location targeting.
Results in HTML, JSON, or table format
100% success rate
Ready-made scrapers
Easy integration
Task scheduling
Scraping templates
Test drive our SERP Scraping API
Skip the hassle of building your scraping infrastructure – get a 100% success rate on every request and collect data from search engine result pages.
curl --request 'POST' \--url '' \--header 'Accept: application/json' \--header 'Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data '{"target": "google_search","query": "pizza","locale": "en-us","geo": "United States","device_type": "desktop","domain": "com","parse": true}'