Redfin Scraper API
Need Redfin property data for your business growth? Our API helps you gather accurate listing details, prices, and market insights without the roadblocks of CAPTCHAs, IP bans, and geo-restrictions.
14-day money-back option
Results in HTML
100% success rate
Real-time integration
Task scheduling
Headless scraping
24/7 tech support
Any country-level targeting
Be ahead of the Redfin scraping game

Extract data from Redfin
Our Web Scraping API is a powerful data collector that combines a web scraper, a data parser, and a pool of 65M+ residential, mobile, ISP, and datacenter proxies. All that power to collect Redfin data in just a few clicks.
Here are some of the key data points you can extract from Redfin:
- Property listings and details
- Property images and descriptions
- Agents and contact information

What is a Redfin scraper?
A Redfin scraper is a solution that extracts data from the Redfin platform. With our scraper, you can send a single API request and receive the data you need in raw HTML format. Even if a request fails, we’ll automatically retry until your data is delivered. You'll only pay for successful requests.
Designed by our experienced developers, this tool offers you a range of handy features:
- Built-in scraper and parser
- JavaScript rendering
- Integrated browser fingerprints
- Easy real-time API integration
- Vast country-level targeting options
- CAPTCHA handling
Scrape Redfin with Python, Node.js, or cURL
Our Redfin scraper API supports all popular programming languages for hassle-free integration with your business tools.
curl --request 'POST' \--url '' \--header 'Accept: application/json' \--header 'Authorization: Basic [YOUR_BASE64_ENCODED_CREDENTIALS]' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data '{"target": "universal","url": "","headless": "html"}'
Collect data effortlessly with Redfin scraping API
Scrape Redfin with ease using our powerful API. From integrated browser fingerprints to built-in proxies, we ensure seamless data collection without blocks or CAPTCHAs.
Fast results
Retrieve accurate data from Redfin in HTML with a single request.
100% success
Pay only for successfully extracted data from Redfin.
Real-time or on-demand results
Choose between real-time data access or scheduled scraping tasks for later.
Advanced anti-bot measures
Navigate through protection mechanisms using built-in browser fingerprints.
Easy integration
Plug Redfin scraper API into your workflows with our comprehensive guides and examples.
Proxy integration
Access data without facing CAPTCHAs with 65M+ IPs under the scraper’s hood.
API Playground
Send your first requests in our API Playground, available in the dashboard.
Free trial
Start scraping risk-free with a 7-day free trial and 1K requests.
Find the right Redfin scraping solution for your use case
Explore our Redfin scraper API and choose the solution that best matches your needs.
Essential scraping features to unlock targets efficiently
Premium scraping solution with high customizability
Success rate
Anti-bot bypassing
Proxy management
API Playground
Task scheduling
Pre-build scraper
Ready-made templates
Advanced geo-targeting
Premium proxy pool
Unlimited threads & connections
JavaScript rendering
Explore our plans for any Redfin scraping demand
Featured in:
Smartproxy blog
Build knowledge on our solutions, or pick up some fresh ideas for your next project – our blog is just the perfect place.
Most recent

Beautiful Soup Web Scraping: How to Parse Scraped HTML with Python
Web scraping with Python is a powerful technique for extracting valuable data from the web, enabling automation, analysis, and integration across various domains. Using libraries like Beautiful Soup and Requests, developers can efficiently parse HTML and XML documents, transforming unstructured web data into structured formats for further use. This guide explores essential tools and techniques to navigate the vast web and extract meaningful insights effortlessly.

Zilvinas Tamulis
Mar 25, 2025
14 min read
Frequently asked questions
How does Redfin data scraper work?
The Redfin data scraper sends automated requests to Redfin’s website, retrieving real estate data such as property listings, prices, and property insights. It processes data dynamically, ensuring that even JavaScript-heavy elements are retrieved successfully. The scraper leverages a 65M+ IP pool and advanced anti-bot measures to avoid detection, allowing users to extract data in just a few clicks.
Can I scrape Redfin data at scale?
Scraping Redfin data at scale is easy with the proper infrastructure in place. The Redfin scraper API is designed to handle large-scale data extraction by utilizing rotating IPs and advanced anti-bot mechanisms. Users can extract thousands of listings or historical pricing trends without interruptions. Whether for real estate market analysis, investment insights, or competitive research, the API ensures high scalability for all projects.
Is it legal to scrape data from Redfin?
It's always advisable to consult with a legal professional to understand the specific implications for your use case and jurisdiction.
How can I use the Redfin scraper API for my business?
Businesses can leverage the Redfin scraper API for various applications, including real estate market research, property valuation modeling, investment analysis, competitive benchmarking, and lead generation. Real estate professionals can also track price trends, identify emerging opportunities, and analyze competitor listings. Property investors can build datasets to forecast market movements, while real estate tech companies can integrate scraped data into applications for property searches, neighborhood insights, and price comparisons.
How is your Redfin Scraper API different from competitors?
Our Web Scraping API stands out from the competition thanks to its built-in proxy management and ability to handle JavaScript-heavy pages with headless browser technology. Unlike many scrapers that struggle with Redfin’s dynamic content and anti-bot measures, this API ensures seamless data extraction by mimicking human browsing behavior.
What programming languages are supported?
The Redfin scraper API supports multiple programming languages, making it accessible to developers with different tech stacks. You can integrate our API into your workflows with Python, JavaScript (Node.js), Java, Ruby, PHP, and other languages that support HTTP requests.
Get Redfin Scraper API for Your Data Needs
Gain access to real-time data at any scale without worrying about proxy setup or blocks.
14-day money-back option