Conduct market and competitor research, access localized content, and monitor search engine results pages.
Our proxies and infrastructure are incredibly versatile and can be used in many situations. Some of the most popular ways companies like yours use them:
Conduct market and competitor research, access localized content, and monitor search engine results pages.
Test ads, ensure accurate ad location and target audience, optimize cost per acquisition and verify links.
Track engagement rates, follow account growth, find the best influencers and discover trending content.
Monitor prices to keep track of essential changes in the market, and be sure you offer the best deals.
Collect data to be customer-centric, analyze trends, increase upselling, and gain a competitive edge.
Make fast and informed decisions, stay ahead of the competition, and identify risks in real-time.
We're all about helping you access the data you need. Choose from handpicked proxies or user-friendly scraping tools – we're here to help you get started quickly and seamlessly.
Expect lightning-fast response times, 99.99% uptime, and unbeatable success rates.
Effortlessly integrate Smartproxy products with your scripts, codes, and other software.
Access any target you need with our IPs covering 195+ locations, including cities and US states.
Choose from 5 scraping tools, 4 proxy types, and pair them with our free apps for a better experience.
Get the most suitable offer based on your specific needs and use case.
Solve technical issues with our experts via LiveChat or by contacting your dedicated account manager.
Explore a user-friendly dashboard that simplifies proxy and scraper configuration. Wave goodbyes to complicated integrations and harness the power of real-time data to drive growth. Gain access to vital usage metrics, like traffic and top targets, whitelist IPs, and assign team roles with just a few clicks.
Choose the plan that best suits the scope of your project based on the traffic, the limit of users, and whitelists.
Your information is protected by 256-bit SSL
We're thrilled to have the support of our 50K+ clients and the industry's best
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