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Python is deffo an A-lister of worlds' programming languages. It's free, powerful, easy to read and understand. By the way, besides web and software development, you can use Python for data analytics, machine learning, and more.

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Scrape Discogs Marketplace with Python: A Step-By-Step Tutorial

Online marketplaces are beloved for offering a wide array of goods, often from things we don’t need to those we didn’t know we needed. Among them, Discogs stands out as a premier platform for music enthusiasts and collectors of vinyl, CD, cassette, and other types of records. In essence, Discogs for music records is what IMDb is for film. Whether you’re exploring music market trends, tracking the value of vinyl records, or gathering data for a personal pro...

How to Scrape Google Maps: A Step-By-Step Tutorial 2024

Google Maps is a beautiful tool that allows anyone to travel the world with their eyes and see many fascinating things. If you’re a nomad, it’s your go-to companion in finding the next destination. But if you’re a data collection enthusiast, you should be excited about the potential data that Google Maps holds. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the benefits of scraping Google Maps and provide a comprehensive guide on how to do it using Python and our reside...

Parsing XML in Python – The Ultimate Guide 2024

Standards are a means to clear and define communication between people and things in the world. For example, the human language, USB sockets on computers, or the fact that you must add cereal before pouring milk. When it comes to computer applications and systems, one standard stands out above the rest as the most popular choice for developers – XML (eXtensible Markup Language). In this article, we’ll explore how you can parse data from XML files using Pyt...

How to Leverage ChatGPT for Effective Web Scraping

Artificial intelligence is transforming various fields, ushering in new possibilities for automation and efficiency. As one of the leading AI tools, ChatGPT can be especially helpful in the realm of data collection, where it serves as a powerful ally in extracting and parsing information. So, in this blog post, we provide a step-by-step guide to using ChatGPT for web scraping. Additionally, we explore the limitations of using ChatGPT for this purpose and o...

Scraping the Web with Selenium and Python: A Step-By-Step Tutorial

Since the late 2000s, web scraping has become essential for extracting public data, giving a competitive edge to those who use it. A common challenge is scraping pages with delayed data loading due to dynamic content, which traditional tools often struggle with. Fortunately, Selenium Python web scraping can effectively handle this issue. In this blog post, you'll learn how to scrape dynamic web data with delayed JavaScript rendering using Python and the Se...

What to do when getting parsing errors in Python?

This one’s gonna be serious. But not scary. We know how frightening the word “programming” could be for a newbie or a person with a little technical background. But hey, don’t worry, we’ll make your trip in Python smooth and pleasant. Deal? Then, let’s go! Python is widely known for its simple syntax. On the other hand, when learning Python for the first time or coming to Python after having worked with other programming languages, you may face some diffic...

Python Tutorial – Scraping Google Featured Snippet [VIDEO]

What do you usually do when a specific question or product pops into your mind, and you need a quick answer? You probably type it on Google and select one of the top results. Looking at this from a business perspective, you probably want to know how Google algorithms picked those top-ranking pages since being one of them attracts more traffic. The result pages of the largest search engine in the world are an excellent source for competitors’ and market res...

lxml Tutorial: Parsing HTML and XML Documents

Keepin’ it short and sweet: data parsing is a process of computer software converting unstructured and often unreadable data into structured and readable format. Parsing offers a lot of benefits, some of which include work optimization, saving time, reducing costs, and many more; in addition, you can use parsed data in plenty of different situations. Even tho that sounds epic, parsing itself can be quite complicated. But hold on, buddy, and get ready to ex...

Python Tutorial: How To Scrape Images From Websites

So, you’ve found yourself in need of some images, but looking for them individually doesn’t seem all that exciting? Especially if you are doing it for a machine learning project. Fret not; web scraping comes in to save the day as it allows you to collect massive amounts of data in a fraction of the time it would take you to do it manually.  There are quite a few tutorials out there, but in this one, we’ll show you how to get the images you need from a stat...

How to Choose the Best Language for Web Scraping

Psst! Come closer to hear a secret: collecting publicly accessible data can skyrocket your business to the next level. If you unlock and gather valuable info, you can easily monitor brand reputation, compare prices, test links, analyze competitors, and much more. While the benefits sound legit, collecting data manually can quickly become a pain in the neck. But what if we told you that it’s possible to enjoy all the advantages without any need to sweat? Wi...

Take Your Web Scraping To The Next Level – Scraping Dynamic Content With Python

The internet has changed quite a bit, hasn't it? Today, almost every popular website you go to is tailored to your specific needs. The goal is to make the user experience as good as possible. It sounds amazing for the end-user, but for someone who’s trying to web scrape dynamic content, it can prove to be quite the challenge. That doesn’t mean it’s not doable!  In this blog post, we’ll go through a step-by-step guide on how to web scrape dynamic content wi...

How To Scrape Google Search Results, Or Rising To The Google Challenge [VIDEO]

Whenever you want to find an answer to a tricky question or dig out some advice, who (or what) do you approach first? Let’s be honest, it’s Google. Market research, competitor analysis, latest news, exclusive deals on designer clothing – whichever you’re after, 9 times out of 10, you’ll google it. Being the richest encyclopedia in the world, Google is also the most protective of all search engines, so extracting data from it can be pretty hellish. On the b...

Looking for a Selenium proxy?

Selenium is the perfect web development and testing tool. It lets you use every major browser and access any site or service you want to test. This versatility makes Selenium indispensable for more than just testing. For example, you can use Selenium with Python to scrape websites. Of course, you will need a proxy service to not get blocked. This is why we are doing this short introduction about how a Selenium proxy network can help you.

Scraping the Web with Selenium and Python: A Step-By-Step Tutorial

Since the late 2000s, scraping has become the go-to solution for businesses and individuals seeking to extract public data from the web. Anyone not scraping public data nowadays is at an obvious disadvantage. One common challenge of web scraping is collecting data from pages with delayed data loading. Here’s a typical scenario: you’re trying to scrape a website, eagerly waiting for the results, only to find no data available. This often happens due to dyna...

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