Smartproxy>Glossary>HTTP transaction

HTTP transaction

An HTTP Transaction is a communication between a client and a server that involves a single request and its corresponding response. This transaction is the fundamental unit of data exchange in the HTTP protocol, typically initiated by a client (such as a web browser) sending an HTTP request to a server, which then processes the request and sends back an HTTP response. HTTP transactions are stateless, meaning each transaction is independent of others.

Also known as: HTTP request-response cycle, HTTP exchange, HTTP interaction, HTTP communication, HTTP operation.


  • HTTP Transaction vs. HTTP Connection: An HTTP transaction refers to the exchange of a single request and response, while an HTTP connection can involve multiple transactions over a single, persistent connection.
  • HTTP Transaction vs. HTTP Session: A session may involve multiple HTTP transactions over time, often linked by session management techniques like cookies, while an HTTP transaction is just a single request-response cycle.


  • Simplicity: Each HTTP transaction is straightforward, involving a clear request and response, which simplifies the communication model.
  • Statelessness: Being stateless ensures that each transaction is independent, making the protocol scalable and easy to implement.
  • Flexibility: Supports various HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc.) and content types, making it adaptable to a wide range of applications.


  • Overhead: Each HTTP transaction requires headers and metadata, which can add overhead, particularly in large-scale applications with many small transactions.
  • Latency: The time taken to complete a full transaction (including network delays) can introduce latency, especially when multiple transactions are required for complex operations.
  • Lack of Context: Statelessness means each transaction lacks context from previous ones, necessitating additional mechanisms (like cookies or tokens) for maintaining state across transactions.


When a user visits a website, their browser initiates an HTTP transaction by sending a GET request to the server for the homepage. The server processes this request and returns an HTTP response containing the HTML content of the page, completing the transaction. This interaction is repeated for each resource (like images or stylesheets) that the page needs to load.

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