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The Importance of Transparency in Western and Northern Europe

While Europe stands united in striving to provide an excellent eCommerce experience for shoppers around the continent, not all countries perform equally well across all dimensions of the eCommerce Maturity Index. The performance drop is extremely visible in the Investigating dimension, which evaluates how well eCommerce websites provide critical background information about their offerings.

Dominykas Niaura

Aug 21, 2024

3 min read

Understanding the dimension of Investigating

The Investigating dimension captures whether eCommerce platforms offer comprehensive background information on their products. This includes:

  • Various product warnings and safety information
  • Sustainability and recycling details
  • Ethical sourcing information

And while such information might not be the deal-breaker for casual shoppers, these factors are increasingly important to consumers who prioritize informed purchasing decisions that reflect environmental consciousness and ethical considerations.

Performance across Europe

The Smartproxy eCommerce Maturity Index reveals a significant disparity in performance across European countries for the Investigating dimension. Only a handful of countries have earned an average score, and these are predominantly Northern and Western European nations. The top-performing countries in this dimension are:

  • Belgium and Germany, both scoring 33.3%
  • Sweden, Spain, Finland, and Switzerland, each scoring 25%

Diving deeper into performance

The high scores of these countries can be attributed to their cultural emphasis on transparency and providing detailed product information. Consumers in these regions are known for valuing transparency and seeking information that helps them make decisions aligned with a more environmentally conscious lifestyle. This demand for detailed product information has likely driven eCommerce platforms in these countries to prioritize the Investigating dimension.

There’s also a notable non-European performer – Canada, a Nordic country from the other side of the Atlantic, is also among the top performers in this dimension, scoring 25%. This indicates that the trend of valuing transparency and comprehensive product information extends beyond Europe, highlighting a global shift towards more informed and responsible consumer behavior.

Why is Investigating the dimension important?

Providing detailed product information is not just a nice-to-have anymore – it’s an essential aspect of a responsible and successful business strategy. More consumers are becoming conscious about their purchases, and Investigating domain highlights the essentials of the ever-changing shopping journey:

  • Consumer safety – detailed product warnings and safety information help consumers avoid harmful products and make safer choices.
  • Environmental impact – information on sustainability and recycling aids consumers in understanding the ecological impact of their purchases and encourages responsible disposal and recycling.
  • Ethical Sourcing – transparency about ethical sourcing allows consumers to support companies that adhere to fair labor practices and sustainable sourcing methods.

The role of culture in eCommerce transparency

The cultural emphasis on transparency in the leading countries suggests that societal values significantly influence eCommerce practices. In countries like Belgium, Germany, and Sweden, there’s a strong societal push for businesses to be transparent and provide comprehensive product information. This cultural backdrop creates an environment where consumers expect and demand higher levels of transparency from eCommerce platforms.

Steps to improve eCommerce transparency

There's a clear opportunity to enhance eCommerce practices for countries lagging in the Investigating dimension. By focusing on providing more detailed product information, these countries can improve their overall eCommerce maturity and better meet the expectations of modern consumers.

  • Enhance product listings and include detailed descriptions, safety warnings, and product usage instructions.
  • Promote sustainability and provide information on product sustainability, including materials used, manufacturing processes, and recycling options.
  • Highlight ethical practices by clearly communicating ethical sourcing practices, including labor conditions and environmental impact.

Bottom line

The disparity in the Investigating dimension of the Smartproxy eCommerce Maturity Index underscores the varying levels of transparency and information availability across Europe.

While Northern and Western European countries lead in providing comprehensive product information, there’s significant room for improvement in other regions. As consumers increasingly prioritize transparency and sustainability, eCommerce platforms must adapt to meet these evolving expectations.

Understand other dimensions and dive deeper into the eCommerce platforms performance by exploring eCommerce Maturity Index.

About the author

Dominykas Niaura


As a fan of digital innovation and data intelligence, Dominykas delights in explaining our products’ benefits, demonstrating their use cases, and demystifying complex tech topics for everyday readers.


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