Premium US Residential Proxies

Our #1 in IP quality US residential proxies boast a success rate of 99.68%, an unmatched response time of <0.5s, and a high standard of security.

14-day money-back option

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55M+ real residential IPs

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<0.5s response time

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99.99% uptime

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Unlimited threads & concurrent sessions

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Free 24/7 tech support

Awarded residential proxies – now for free

Pick any plan and try all features with a 3-day 100 MB free trial.

Why Smartproxy's US proxies are the way to go


Ethically-sourced IPs

Smartproxy is completely GDPR-compliant. Our US proxy pool contains legit IP addresses – they come from partners who are all about doing business the right way and holding themselves to high ethical standards.


Easy to set up proxies

Our dash is just perfect for managing proxies hassle-free. You can track stats like traffic usage, requests, and top targets. Bonus tip: to activate the US IPs in just a few clicks, use our Chrome or Firefox extensions.


City-level targeting

Our residential US IP addresses allow you to connect to any location. You’ll need to select your target area on our dash. We offer to land you in the largest American cities and states.


24/7 tech support

If you get stuck or need a hand picking the right proxy type for your case, no worries! Just jump into LiveChat, and our awesome tech wizards will help you out. They'll quickly solve any problems so you can get back on track in no time.

USA proxy locations by cities and states

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Frequently asked questions about US proxies

What is a US proxy server?

A proxy is a server that acts as an intermediary between you and the internet. It receives, forwards, and retrieves data for connection requests on your behalf. So, a US proxy server is an online identity that indicates a location in the United States when making requests on the internet.

How do I get a US proxy?

How can I check my proxy?

What is a US proxy address?

Why should you NOT use a free United States proxy?

Get USA Residential Proxies

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