Residential Australian proxies

Use half a million Smartproxy IPs in Australia for your needs. Access our vast Australian proxy network with high-quality IP addresses to browse, scrape and unblock data, verify advertisements, or test applications instantly.

14-day money-back option

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55M+ residential and datacenter IPs

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<0.5s response time

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99.99% uptime

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Unlimited threads & concurrent sessions

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Free 24/7 tech support

Awarded residential proxies – now for free

Pick any plan and try all features with a 3-day 100 MB free trial.

Why you should choose Smartproxy Australia proxies


Forget a proxy list

Ditch the old proxy lists for our advanced Australian proxy network. Access thousands of unique IPs with a precise gateway and freshen up connections with rotating sessions.


14-day money-back

Enjoy maximum performance without any pressure. Buy any of our proxy plans and take up to 14 days to decide. If you're not impressed, we'll refund you (terms apply).


Smooth setup

Access Aussie news with our Australian IP addresses on your browser. Safari, Chrome, Firefox? Check our configurations page. Besides, try easy setup with our Chrome extension – get a real AU IP in minutes.


24/7 tech support

If you get stuck or need a hand picking the right proxy type for your case, no worries! Just jump into LiveChat, and our awesome tech wizards will help you out. They'll quickly solve any problems so you can get back on track in no time.

Don’t be fooled by those free Australian proxy lists

Sure, free proxies might sound like a great deal, but here's the catch: they're using YOU as their product. How do they make money, you ask? By harvesting your data and inserting malicious codes. Trust us, you don't want to fall victim to that. 

Save yourself the headache and go with reputable Australian IPs that Smartproxy offers. You'll sleep better at night knowing your personal information is protected.

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Frequently asked questions about Australian proxies

What is a residential proxy?

A residential proxy is a type of proxy that uses a regular home internet connection to hide your real IP address and make it appear like you're browsing from a different location. They're often used for online market research, web scraping, and bypassing geographical restrictions.

How can you appear to be in Australia?

How to proxy through Australia?

How to change proxy settings to Australia?

Access Proxies With Our Self-Service Dashboard Easily

Easy and quick onboarding process allows you to hop on and use our dashboard whenever and however you need, as well as manage your residential proxies, track usage and spending.

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