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  • Browser Fingerprinting

Browser Fingerprinting

Browser fingerprinting is a method websites use to identify you and collect your data. Working silently in the background, it gathers lots of info about device model, browser, timezone, default language, etc. Yeah, and we understand – it may sound scary. But don't ya worry. There are some ways to stay safe from browser fingerprinting.

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Browser Fingerprinting

What is Browser Fingerprinting?

Online privacy has been an ongoing issue for quite some time now. How do you stay anonymous, protect your data and make it actually private? Most of us have resorted to VPNs and proxy networks to make our virtual lives safer. It’s a nice thought, but does it actually work? Yes, to a certain extent. While VPNs and proxy networks alone do wonders for hiding your IP address, they can’t mask your unique browser fingerprint. In this article, we’ll take a look a...

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