Video: How to Check if Your Proxy Is Working?
Get to know two quick ways of checking whether your Smartproxy proxies are working. Yes, we do explain how to check ALL proxy types. Thanks for asking!
Does Your Proxy Work
Are your proxies working? There's only one way to find out. Actually, there are two. Let me tell you both of them!
The first way is so easy you'll find it hard to believe. Connect to your proxy through our Chrome extension or your browser's settings and go to any online IP checker. Today let's go to On the right side of the page, you'll see the IP address that sent the request to the site. If the IP shown on the site matches the one in your dashboard, congratulations! Your proxy works! The site will also let you see additional information such as IP location and ASN.
However, if you feel a little threatened about online IP checkers, you can also see whether your proxy works via the terminal. To do that, go ahead and open up the terminal. Now let's try to send a request to that same website,
Type 'curl' '-U' your username, colon, then your password, then '-x' then your proxy IP or the endpoint, again colon, port, and the website to which you're sending the request. Now press enter and witness the magic. If no mistakes were made in the code, you should be able to see what IP sent the request, its location, and various other parameters.
However, if you wanna check whether your search engine proxies are working, the format changes. For SERPs, type this. Then press enter. Now when any suspicions about your proxies slacking off will arise, you'll know what to do. That's it!
About the author

Martin Ganchev
VP Enterprise Partnerships
Martin, aka the driving force behind our business expansion, is extremely passionate about exploring fresh opportunities, fostering lasting relationships in the proxy market, and, of course, sharing his insights with you.
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